
For SEO: How Many Times Should I Use Keywords?

Using a specific keyword is one thing, how many times you should use it is another.

Blogging and keywords come hand in hand to make your blog post pop!

Keywords are great for SEO! Keywords remain incredibly important to SEO for several reasons:

  • They help Google to identify what your website is about.
  • They ensure that your content is displayed to the right people at the right time.
  • They're a great way of driving traffic to your website.

After all, we all want traffic going to our website.

However, too much of something is not always better. This also applies to the use of keywords.

Imagine you’re reading something and a word keeps on repeating, reappearing and replicating. Wouldn’t you be annoyed, irritated and a little bit angry?

How Many Keywords Should I Use In A Blog Post?

Many creatives wonder how many keywords they need to work into their post and if they should be optimized for all of these keywords at once. Ideally, you would only focus on one or two long-tail keywords for your blog post.

One recommended method is to start by focusing on just one keyword, and writing about it as naturally as possible. After a month or two, return to the post once it is ranking and check out what related keywords the page is being found through.

Then, take the time to layer in additional optimization for those bonus keywords.

It’s not uncommon to rank for more than one keyword at a time, but it can be hard to do so in a natural way if you overdo it at the get-go. To avoid that fate, limit yourself to two different primary keywords at first.

What Is Keyword Frequency?

Keyword frequency is the number of times a keyword appears on a blog post or page. This data point is not very useful on its own, but it can be used in a variety of analysis calculations.

For example, our calculations for TF-IDF optimization as explained above use keyword frequency to compare the importance of a keyword to a page and the context it is found in.

Should Keywords Be Single Words?

In the content world, the word keyword can be quite confusing. More often than not when speaking of keyword management techniques, all of the keywords used in examples are not just keywords but key phrases.

There was a time when a keyword was only recognized as a singular word, and the idea of key phrases being noticed by search engine crawlers was unimaginable. That was a long time ago.

Today, key phrases and keywords are used interchangeably, so there is no reason to restrict your keyword to be a single word. You are likely to find a ranking for a single word much more difficult than with a longtail keyword!

What Is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is the practice of using keywords too frequently in a post or article. In older versions of search algorithms, keyword stuffing was an effective way to get a high-ranking page. Over time, however, it became clear to search engines that the top pages were all stuffed with keywords and not very useful.

That caused the algorithm to be changed.

More recent iterations of Google’s algorithm focuses on identifying content that is high-quality and not unnecessarily stuffed with the same keywords over and over again. Additionally, the algorithm attempts to take into account whether or not the page provides what is expected when it is clicked naturally and beneficially.

Keyword stuffing, though tempting, is not going to get you the results that you are looking for. It should be avoided at all costs lest your page is permanently punished by Google for this red-flag practice.


Don’t get too hung up on how many times you should be using your keyword or how many keywords you should use – there are way more important things to worry about (Including finding the right keyword in the first place.)

Instead, focus on using strong keywords and related phrases to create a better TF-IDF or similar algorithm-based score for your pages. The better the frequency of relevant words on your pages is compared to your competitors, the better you will do in the long run.

And you can only do that if you have the right keywords!

In relation to keywords and blogging, Elephant in the Boardroom offers Content Writing services.


Elephant in the Boardroom is a Digital Marketing Agency in Melbourne helping businesses navigate and achieve growth in today’s transformative digital landscape. From building a website to branding, design, and management, managing IT Helpdesk, digital marketing strategy and social media management, we have a range of clients from different industries who share the same goal – to grow their business.

We also can help you with Content Writing Services for your Blog.

Visit https://www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au/ for more information.


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