
Best Content Promotion Strategies for 2024

Here’s a hard truth for you: No matter how visually striking and informative your content may be, it will only generate engagement and conversions if it's actually seen online. This is why content promotion strategies matter.

But you're not alone. In today's content-saturated landscape, simply creating great content isn't enough. The real challenge lies in channelling it beyond the noise and into your target audience's hands (or rather, screens). 

Let's make your content visible! We'll share with you valuable content promotion tips, powerful strategies, untapped channels, and insider secrets that will turn your content into an engagement powerhouse.

Factors that affect your content's visibility

Your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your content? Understanding their demographics, interests, and online behaviour is crucial for choosing the right channels to publish your content. 

Your content format. Your content format also determines its reach. Paired with working strategies, any content format, whether it's a blog post, a video, or an infographic, can work on different platforms.

Your budget. More often than not, you'll opt to get paid promotions to amplify your content on a wider scale. Determine first if your working budget is suited for it.

Let's delve into some of the best content promotion strategies for 2024!

Content Promotion - image of woman making a loud sound

Send content through email

Consistent blogging won't work if your audience isn't seeing it. However, by creating email lists and distributing your blogs through those channels, you significantly enhance their visibility.

As most of your readers are certainly opening their emails, sending content through emails promises better results. A good way to start is to email them your latest blogs, as well as your best-performing content. 

Repurpose your content

Long-form content, which your audience might not like reading in full, can be better repurposed. But how? 

You can extract portions or snippets from that content and share them as separate posts on your platforms while directing viewers back to the original source. It also gives you additional content ideas to publish rather than just resharing it. 

If you're into video content, you upload snippets of existing content on Instagram as Reels or on YouTube as Shorts. Free content, same expert-level knowledge shared! 

Here are more ways to leverage content promotion through repurposing your content:

  • Convert blog posts into visually appealing infographics, slideshows, or video presentations.
  • Break down lengthy webinars or workshops into shorter video clips or tutorials.
  • Extract key insights or quotes from long-form content, such as articles or whitepapers, and repurpose them as social media posts or graphics.
  • Gather your evergreen blog posts or articles on a specific topic and repurpose them into comprehensive e-books or guides.
  • Showcase user-generated content, such as customer testimonials or reviews, and repurpose them into compelling case studies or success stories.
  • Transcribe podcast episodes into written format and repurpose them as blog posts or articles.
  • Review your existing content library and identify pieces that are outdated or in need of a refresh.

Run paid ads

Paid ads are also one way to put your high-converting content in front of more people. While it's a paid strategy, your steps when creating paid ads contribute to its effectiveness. 

The beauty of paid ads lies in their ability to precisely position your content in front of your preferred target audience using advanced targeting filters. This ensures that your content reaches the right people.

Doing this on blog posts, for example, increases its chances of getting organic engagements, which signifies value to search engines. 

Let employees share stories about your content

Rather than just sharing your published content, encourage your employees to create stories that amplify your business' credibility. 

You can ghost write content for them to share or if they authentically have stories to tell, see to it that it reflects your business's identity and ensure it positions your brand as a thought leader.

Encourage them to also engage with similar content from their fellow employees to broaden its reach.

Guest posting

Guest posting has garnered a negative reputation, as many marketers use it solely to acquire backlinks. However, by strategically approaching guest posting, your content can achieve the desired visibility and engagement metrics.

Only do guest posting when you have insightful topics to share. To add, guest post on industry-esteemed publications for added credibility. Lastly, ensure to include only relevant links to avoid giving the impression that your guest post is solely for the purpose of gaining link views.

But the most important tip here is to write content tailored to their audience and genuinely aims to solve their problems. 

Collaborate with influencers 

If guest posting is for blogs, collaborations with influencers are great for your social media content efforts. But collaborations aren't always what you think they are.

Influencer partnerships are highly beneficial as they allow you to introduce your business to a new yet relevant audience. Moreover, the endorsement and expertise of the collaborator enhance the trustworthiness of your business.

Hosting webinars, podcasts, video interviews, and blog post interviews are some ways you can create engaging content with collabs. Just make sure you can get a trusted authority onboard, a well-rounded, well-known figure in your niche, to maximise the impact of your influencer partnership.

Content reigns supreme!

Presenting the six battle-tested strategies to break free from the content graveyard and unleash the full potential of your content! Which of these content promotion strategies are you planning to try out soon?

If you've decided on one, why not pair it up with our effective content marketing strategies that saw businesses reach their best potential? At Elephant in the Boardroom, we're a team of passionate content warriors who live and breathe content marketing. 

Remember, great content deserves to be seen, and with the right content promotion, it can become your most powerful marketing tool. So, partner with us now and unlock the treasures of your content!


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