
All you need to know about Threads

The new social media platform 'Threads' is all over the place. Presented as an alternative to Elon Musk’s rubbled Twitter, you might be curious how Threads is different and what fresh social media experiences it has to offer. 

Well, you've landed on the right blog! 

Today, we'll uncover what exactly Threads is, its features, and how you can make the best out of this new app!

What is Threads? 

Threads is a new text-based social media platform from Meta, which can be accessed via Instagram. Primarily, it allows you to share photos and videos with your friends and family in a more organised way. It's like a digital scrapbook, where you can create different "threads" for different topics or events. 

For example, you can create a thread for your vacation, your child's first year of school, or your latest home renovation project. Just add your photos and insights and it's good to go! 

Friends and family who follow you will be able to see your thread in their News Feed, and can tap to view all of the photos and videos you've added. They can also add their comments and reactions. 

Why more people are Threading away

After a $44-billion deal that led Elon Musk to take over Twitter in October 2022, things started to quickly fall apart for the platform. From the messy blue verified badge to numerous user privacy issues, hate speech, targeted ads, and inaction by executives, users needed a less problematic app with the same features. 

And that’s where Meta's Threads came to the rescue.

After its July 6th launch, it’s safe to say that users were craving a fresh start, as 100 million active users signed up within the first 5 days. One advantage it has over Twitter is that your friends and followers on Instagram can easily find and follow you on Threads since the two apps are interconnected. 

What can you do in Threads? 

While the app is still brand new, Threads is no different than other social media platforms, most notable its parent app, Instagram. 

You can share updates either in plain text or with media like images, videos, and GIFs. Your followers and friends can react and comment on your threads, and you can reciprocate on their updates. You can also reshare posts much like Twitter’s 'retweet' function. 

And if you're more of a storyteller, you won’t be limited by a character counter on Threads allowing you to post updates that are up to 500 words long. That's 280-characters more than Twitter has at the moment. (Twitter Blue, the paid option, has a 10,000-character limit). 

If you're a brand looking to expand in a new community, the perfect opportunity is waiting for you here at Threads! Since most industries haven’t caught on yet, you may be among the first in your niche and present yourself as an authority on a platform with a new audience.

How can I get Threads? 

Threads is readily available for download on both iOS App Store and the Google Play Store. 

If you have an Instagram account, it's easier to migrate to Threads, as they are already linked. Just click on your username on the bottom section of the Threads welcome screen and you're in! 

Threads - photo showing where to find Threads on Instagram

Upon logging in, you'll be inputting your personal information and choosing your account’s privacy options. You can conveniently import your followers from Instagram and instantly follow them on Threads. And if they are verified on Instagram, the blue check will also carry over to Threads, so you won't need to get verified again. 

Want to know if you're following the real account on Threads? Head over to their Instagram account where you'll find the correct link in their bio, below their username. This will allow you to double check that their account matches the profile you are following. 

Is Threads safe to use?

While Threads have undeniably provided a safer avenue for social media users, one glaring aspect of the app, and other social media platforms in general, is its data usage. 

At the moment, Threads doesn't have ads yet, but like Instagram that relies on user data for targeted ads, it won't take long before this app that gained millions of users in its first week out will welcome advertisers. 

However, you’ll decide whether you'll allow your user data to be utilised by their third-party affiliates for their ad targeting efforts.

Are you 'Thready'? 

In a messy social media world, the emergence of Threads is a breath of fresh air, promising a new avenue for us to engage, connect, and share our experiences with people without having second thoughts or holding back. And if you're looking to grow with Threads, there's no other time to do it than now! 

So, why wait? Take the leap into the future of social media with Threads and let Melbourne's leading social media marketing agency, Elephant in the Boardroom, be your guiding light. Embrace the possibilities, engage your audience, and make your mark in this digital landscape. 

The road to your empowered social media campaign begins here at www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au!  Or better yet, let’s talk via our official Threads account @elephantintheboardroom! 



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