
5 Video Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business

Competition in most industries is fierce. You need to connect with your target audience and rise above the noise in a crowded market. Videos are a great marketing tool to help you achieve various goals of your business, whether it be to improve brand awareness, build trust and authority, or give indecisive prospects that extra push to finally close the sale. Optimised videos can also improve your SEO rankings and help you reach a wider audience.

More and more consumers are watching videos before making a purchase decision than ever before. Here are a few tips to help you create effective videos to promote your product or service:

Know Your Niche

Understand and master the space you want to dominate. Doing some research before developing content is essential. Your tone and style will depend on the type of business you are in.

To make videos that convert, you need to establish expertise in the subject matter that resonates with your audience. Develop videos that not only tell compelling stories about your brand, but also demonstrate empathy to the needs of your audience.

Make A Strong Impression

The first few seconds of a video can make the difference between capturing an audience and being glossed over and ignored. A video consumption study in 2016 revealed that Facebook users who watch the first 3 seconds of a video will go on to watch it for at least 30 seconds more.

Having a strong introduction sets the tone for the rest of the video. Create ways to showcase the personality of your brand and the culture behind your company while still maintaining professionalism. Feature individuals who are likeable and relatable to represent your organization. Research shows that people buy from companies that they have a positive emotional connection to.

Create How-to Videos

What better way to make your pitch more compelling to your target market than to make demo or training videos that helps then understand what exactly your product is about and what problems it can address. While focusing on product features is important, don’t leave out details about its practical applications and how it can actually improve their life. How-to videos are great way to attract new customers and shorten your sales cycle.

Focus on FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) videos allow prospects to digest and absorb information about your product quickly and succinctly. These videos can help customers understand how to make the most out of your product or take advantage of offerings they may not be aware of. A good example of a company that utilizes this technique is IKEA. They developed a series of videos addressing queries about popular types of furniture. Make sure that you keep FAQ videos below 2 minutes so as not to bore your audience.

End with a Strong Call-to-Action

Clearly tell your audience what the next steps should be at the end of the video. If they have come that far, then more than likely, they are expressing a strong interest on your product. You can either direct them to a link so they can get more information or to your ecommerce site where they can purchase the item.

With the proliferation of apps and computer software, it is now so easy and inexpensive to create your own videos. But if you want to develop professional quality videos that are line with your overall marketing strategy, then it pays to enlist the services of an experienced marketing firm. If you need help developing video content, contact us for a free consultation – call 0418967352 or email [email protected].


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